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My Top 20-11 most valuable videogames
― finngamer
Due to high demand, I present my most valuable games. Some have been bought for the full price, others I've found cheap or they've gained value over time. Check out the Top 10 here:
#video #game #videogame #collection #Final #Fantasy #II #III #World #of #WarCraft #Burning #Crusade #Collector's #Edition #Limited #Chrono #Trigger #Metal #Gear #Solid #SegaGaGa #Steel #Battalion #Under #Defeat #SegaDirect #Panzer #Dragoon #Saga #Castlevania #Symphony #the #Night #Vampire's #Kiss #Rondo #Blood #Legend #Zelda #Majora's #Mask #Neo-Geo #AES #Last #Blade #Real #Bout #Samurai #Shodown #Special #Sengoku
In harvest Pelit 2020
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The metadata on this page is from the original source (YouTube).