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Herra Virtanen - Simple Man (Lynyrd Skynyrd acoustic cover)

Herra Virtanen

For my newborn son. :) - Daddy Had my second child, first son, now in 1st of February and decided to write memories through music. Thanks to Lynyrd Skynyrd for this amazing song! You can find me on Facebook if you like! Recorded with Xperia Z3 and aftertouches with Adobe Premiere.

#herra_virtanen #acoustic #acoustic_cover #simple_man #live #lynyrd_skynyrd #lievestuore #finland #male_vocals #ibanez #xperia_z3 #phone_recording #rebel #southern #rock #suomicover #akustinen #music #musiikki #suomalainen

I insamlingen Kuntavaalit 2021


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