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UMK17 // ANNI SAIKKU: “Reach Out For The Sun”

Uuden Musiikin Kilpailu

UMK17-spektaakkelibileet pidetään 28.1. Espoo Metro Areenalla ja lähetys tulee suorana Yle TV2:lla, osoitteessa, Yle Areenassa ja Radio X3M:ssa. Voittaja edustaa Suomea Kiovan Euroviisuissa toukokuussa 2017. Tule areenalle kannustamaan suosikkisi viisulavalle, liput: Anni Saikku osallistuu Uuden Musiikin Kilpailuun 2017 kappaleella Reach Out For The Sun. Kappaleen tekijät: Mia Kemppainen, Perttu Kurttila Ohjaaja: Iiris Heikka Kuvaaja: Petteri Lappalainen Kappaleen sanat: I don’t want this to be easy I just need to be strong To be brave enough To go through with it all The stars the stars so far apart unite the dots become who you are For the first time you can see the truth The light that shines the brightest in you Leave the dark side of the moon as we reach out for the sun Reach out for the sun As we reach out for the sun As we reach out for the sun As we reach out for the sun As we reach out for the Maybe I’ve fallen under your spell I went too far in way over my head I thought that I must be a fool I’d crash myself right into you For the first time you can see the truth The light that shines the brightest in you Leave the dark side of the moon As we reach out for the sun Reach out for the sun As we reach out for the sun As we reach out for the sun Sun As we reach out for the For the first time you can see the truth The light that shines the brightest in you Leave the dark side of the moon As we reach out for the sun As we reach out for the sun #UMK17 Snapchat: yleumk

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I insamlingen Musiikkikeräys 2018


Sidans beskrivning är från den ursprungliga källan (YouTube).