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LaeppaVika - PARAS TACTICAL SHOOTTERI (Takedown: Red Sabre)


"TAKEDOWN is a THINKING PERSON'S SHOOTER; brutal, hardcore and deadly - like the real thing. Not for the faint hearted, Takedown requires you to bring your 'A' game - FPS fans looking for an ultra hardcore experience only need apply!" ... HAHA HAHAH AH AH AhXDD XHhAHAha... sure thing mate Pelin saa ~1 eurolla Steamista... säästäkää rahojanne ja ostakaa tikkari. Anteeksi vaiheittainen kuvan pikselöityminen. Se on tullut nauhoitettaessa. Facebook: Twitch: Twitter

#laeppavika #läppävika #rauski #fisu #keimo #prototailz #let's_play #finnish #pelataan #raumoogle #amnesia #morso #käsi #käsiii #ebin #laet's_pelataan #lp #takedown #taek_duwn #teik_daun #silencer #tactical_shooter #rainbow_six #red_sabre #ebin_tacticool #flash_out #nngh #flashbang #Takedown:_Red_Sabre #Shooter_Game #Finland #Suomi

In harvest Pelit 2015

Original source:

The metadata on this page is from the original source (YouTube).