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Volodymyr Zelensky – How a Comedian Turned into a War Hero
― Yle Kioski JOURNAL
With the Russian invasion in Ukraine, President Volodymyr Zelensky has risen to world fame. Staying in Kiev, the president has continued publishing selfie videos, sporting an army-green t-shirt. But how exactly did Zelensky rise to fame? How did an ex-comedian and actor become president, and how did he do in the office before the outbreak of full-scale war? This episode of 'Strippaus' not only explores the early years of Zelensky's life and career and his rise to power, but also delves into the recent history of Ukraine. As Zelensky was making his name in entertainment, his country was shaken and changed by the Orange Revolution, Russian influence, and protest on Maidan in Kiev. 'Strippaus' is a series where reporter Matti Riitakorpi tells true stories behind currents events. 00:00 Beginning 00:56 Chapter 1: King of Improvisation 06:41 Chapter 2. Reality strikes back Reporting, illustrations, editing: Matti Riitakorpi Animations: Timo Korpi Illustrations: Saara Paasikivi Producer: Hertta Päivärinta #ukraine #Zelensky #Strippaus
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Keräyksessä Ukrainan sota 2022-2024
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