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Together towards a bioeconomy-based society - Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke)

Luke Finland

Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke) brings together expertise in renewable natural resources and responsible food production. We provide innovative solutions for new business opportunities based on natural resources. The cross-disciplinary research and expertise support responsible decision-making both domestically and internationally. Research on natural resources benefits the consumer by providing information on health and well-being, and by supporting the vitality of Finnish nature. Together with our partners we will build a society based on bioeconomy. Read more:

#Natural #resources #institute #finland #bioeconomy #renewable #energy #environment #sustainable #research #science #society #fish #water #boreal #forest #biomass #climate_change #food #ocean_forestry #mushroom #northern #milk #berry #herb #bioenergy #biogas #biodiversity #paris_agreement

I insamlingen Ilmastonmuutos 2019-2020


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