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⭐Theros Beyond Death Sealed🔴MTG Arena E38🎱Suomi & ENG

JaakkoAA Gaming

Multistreaming with Tässä striimissä striimi-ilmoitukset ovat äänettömällä. / Stream announcement alerts are silent in this stream. 18+ Stream Chat on Mixer with no rules: Linkissä 18+ striimichätti, jossa ei sääntöjä. 🏆 Donaukset 🏆 Donations 📛 Säännöt ja komennot suomeksi / Rules and commands in finnish - 🏆 Kanavani jäsenyys 🏆 Membership of my channel 🏆 By being a member of my channel you automatically gain access to my Discord's sponsor chat and sponsor text forum with the sponsor rank to discuss with me and with other sponsors. You only have to connect your Youtube/Twitch account on Discord in Connections tab that is found in User Settings. 🏆 Jäsenyydellä saat automaattisesti sponsori roolillasi yhteyden sponsori chattiin ja sponsori tekstifoorumiin missä voit keskustella minun ja muiden sponsoreiden kanssa. Youtube/Twitch tilien yhdistäminen Discordiin tapahtuu Discordin Yhteydet välilehdellä, joka on käyttäjäasetuksissa. 📛 Stream Rules: 1) No cursing. (omg is a banned too) 2) No negative feedback during the stream. You can leave it on the video afterwards. 3) The old meme phrases go to work and go play are forbidden. 4) Do not try to bully anybody. 5) No energy drink or gambling or other 15+ discussions. 6) No spamming. 7) Questions about my life will not be answered. 8) Do not ask when I stream some other game or game mode including viewer games which read in the stream title or when I start streaming. Use !schedule / !aikataulu command and ask in the link. 9) Do not ask why I stream in Finnish or English or ask me to stream in other language. You can see the stream language in the stream title. 10) I play member games with only members and people who donate +5$/€ during that stream. 11) Viewer games are always mentioned in the stream title. Do not ask if you can join viewer games unless there is room or I am making a new team. When there is a timer on screen and it hits zero and a match is lost afterwards, I will form a new team from game queue. Read commands to know how to join game queue. The queue will last for other streams, 2 or 1 month old names may be removed from queue. 12) You can stream snipe me to get in the same match but do not snipe me any further than that. 13) Do not ask during a match is somebody leaving the team. Ask only between matches. 14) Do not ask when the stream is ending. 15) Do not discuss viewer or follower counts. 16) Do not discuss how I look. 17) Do not discuss my english skills. 📢 All raids are welcome. 💟 Like, view, comment, subscribe, share and/or donate to support my Youtube career. 📆 Game Schedule: !schedule / !kalenteri 🔷TWITCH - 🔷DISCORD (Game Chat & Forums) - 🔷INSTAGRAM - 🔷TWITTER (News) - 💬 Top Asked Questions: I live in South Finland and I am Finnish. I'm 33 years and have no pets or girlfriend. Fortnite: +750 wins, 19 kills kill record. 🔷STEAM: JaakkoAA Gaming 🔷BATTLE NET: JaakkoAA#1460 🔷Epic Games Launcher: JaakkoAA Gaming 🗿 Want to be a mod on Youtube? - Have a watch time of 200 hours OR do a single one time 88e/$ or over donation OR have over 10 000 followers and mention that when I am ending my stream and do not break rules. 🤖 Specs of my PC are at the start of stream. 🎱 BB-8 Bot awards 8 BB coins every 8 minutes for each viewer who made at least one comment to be seen on the viewer list. ❗ !BBcoins = How many BB coins you have and for how long you have watched the stream. ❕ !raffle = Participate in a open raffle to win BB coins. ❗ !bet option amount = Replace option with the option you want to bet for. Replace amount with the amount of coins you want to bet. ❕ !bid amount = Participate in an auction. Only the highest bidder loses their coins. ❗ !queue = Join the queue. Costs 88 BB coins unless you are already in the queue. ❕ !give channelid amount = Replace channelid with user you want to transfer coins to. Replace amount with the number of coins you want to give. ❗ !time = The local time of the streamer. ❕ !uptime = The duration in hours and minutes the stream is running for. ❗ !locker = Link to my newest Fortnite locker video. Music provided by

#FortniteBlockParty #Fortnite #FortniteBlockParty #Creative #Creative_Mode #Fortnite_Creative #Fortnite_Creative_Mode #Fortnite_Block_Party #Fortnite_The_Block #Fortnite_Block #FortniteCreative #FortniteCreativeMode #FortniteBlock #FortniteParty #Fortnite_Party #Block_Party #BlockParty

In harvest Pelit 2020

Original source:

The metadata on this page is from the original source (YouTube).