Verkkoarkiston aineisto on saatavilla vain vapaakappaletyöasemilla. Katso infosta lisää tietoa verkkoarkiston käytöstä.

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Materiaali saatavilla vain vapaakappaletyöasemilla

(1) My Summer Car - WIP

RoyalJohnLove Street Rod meets Surgeon Simulator meets Puzzle meets Suomipelit A game I am working on, a true car simulator. You will build your car from ground starting from bare chassis/frame. You need to properly attach all the car parts in correct order, tune the engine so it runs, and do other maintenance work before you can hit the road. Basically you run around with your character and seek for required parts and assemble them in correct way. The idea is to get the car running so that you make it to liquor store in time. And then what you do is get wasted and crash the car. It will have almost ALL the parts of this particular car, including main bearings, pistons, spark plugs, door panels, gear lever, springs, doors, quarter panels, lights,... Also engine functionality will be simulated as accurately as possible. For example you can assemble the engine without cooling system, but it only goes so far... It is up to you! Also every button in the car dashboard can be manipulated as in real life. Steering wheels like Logitech G25/27 are supported. Maybe other wheels as well, but I haven't tested.

#car #game #simulator #rfactor #assetto_corsa #pcars #virtualr #street_rod #unity3d #unity #suomipeli #suomipelit #1997 #datsun #100a #cherry

Keräyksessä Pelit 2020


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