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Minecraft - LUXURY Beach House - Amazing Interior Design & Download
― JerenVids
Absolutely amazing luxury beach house in Minecraft! It is fully furnished with really detailed interiors! Honestly this is one of the best Minecraft houses I have seen! Map made by Btthomas, download link in description. ✔ SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE! ► Like the Map? Download it here: ► Map maker: Btthomas Shaders: SEUS v10.1 Texture pack: UseTheBlocks This cinematic Minecraft video shows the Luxury Beach House created by Btthomas! He put a lot of effort into it and it clearly shows, as the house is a masterpiece! It is a mansion with a basketball court, living rooms, bathrooms and other really unique furnitures along with TVs, kitchens, beds and much, much more! Want to see more? Check out this Minecraft Cinematic playlist: There's so much more Minecraft cinematic creation videos to see! All videos made by me, JerenVids. Subscribe & like for more! --- ♫ Song: Ahxello - Frisbee ♛ Minecraft Merch:
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Keräyksessä Pelit 2020
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