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Maailma täynnä haasteita! - Liikuntahaaste #10 (the paper)

Arat ja Ujot - Our stories

FI - Elämme maailmassa täynnä haasteita. Ulkona käyminen ja kavereiden tapaaminen on rajoitettu, harrastukset peruttu ja netti tökkii kun pitäisi ilmoittaa opettajalle aamutunnin aikana. Sen lisäksi tärkein paikka maailmassa meille kaikille on kiinni! (tarkoitan siis koulu) Päätettiin lähettää koulun porukalle (oppilaat, opettajat ja muu henkilökunta) vielä lisää haasteita. Liikuntahaasteita! Lähetetään kaksi haastetta viikossa ja tavoite on että jokainen meistä kokeilee ja yrittää voittaa haasteen. Liikunnan opettajan keksimä haaste voi olla todella vaikea taviksille, mutta älkää lannistuko! Tarkoitus on vain pitää hauskaa ja päästä välillä pois tietokoneilta. Voitte myös haastaa koko perheen, sukulaiset, kaverit, lemmikit, jne. Ei muuta kuin haastamaan itseämme! Uusi haaste tiistaisin ja torstaisin! EN - A world full of challenges! We live in a world full of challenges. Going out and meeting friends is limited, hobbies are canceled and the internet is gives you trouble when you should facetime teachers during the morning lessons. Also, the most important place in the world for all of us is closed! (I mean school) We decided to send even more challenges to the school team (students, teachers and other staff). PE Challenges! We send out two challenges a week and the goal is for each of us to try and try to overcome the challenge. A challenge created by a PE teacher can be really hard for random people, but don’t be discouraged! The purpose is just to have fun and get away from the computers in between lessons. You can also challenge your whole family, relatives, friends, pets, etc. Let's all challenge ourselves! New challenge every Tuesdays and Thursdays! PT - Um mundo cheio de desafios! Vivemos num mundo cheio de desafios. Sair e encontrar amigos é proibido, os hobbies são cancelados e a Internet não está funcionando quando você deve notificar o professor durante a aula. Além disso, o lugar mais importante do mundo para todos nós está fechado! (me refiro à escola) Aqui estão ainda mais desafios para todos (alunos, professores e outros funcionários). Desafios Físicos! Enviamos dois desafios por semana e o objetivo é que cada um de nós tente superar o desafio. Um desafio inventado pelo professor de Educacão Física pode ser muito difícil para os simples mortais, mas não desanime! O objetivo é apenas se divertir e fugir dos computadores e dos livros durante um tempo. Você também pode desafiar toda a família, parentes, amigos, animais de estimação, etc. Physical education. Éducation physique. Educacion fisica. Sportunterricht. 體育. Tǐyù. Pisikal na edukasyon. Физическая культура. Fizicheskaya kul'tura. Pendidikan jasmani. शारीरिक शिक्षा. shaareerik shiksha. Educazione fisica. 体育. Taiiku. Tjelesna kultura. التربية البدنية. Dene tarbiya. Educação física. Fizychne vykhovannya. Liggaamlike opvoeding. Fizychne vykhovannya. التربية Śārīrika śikṣā. آموزش فیزیکی. Beden eğitimi. Fiziksel etkinlikler dersi. Egitsel oyunlar. If you know any other language and can help with the translation leave a comment. It would be much appreciated! MUSIC: NO COPYRIGHT Rock Background Music For Videos / Copyright Free Rock Music ? SUBSCRIBE TO CHANNEL?: ?Get this music: ?Download from Patreon: ?NO COPYRIGHT MUSIC Cool Rock Background Music For Videos / Royalty Free Fun Background Music ?FEATURE: ? No Copyrights: All music tracks do not have copyright. This means you will not receive a copyright claim on your videos on YouTube and other sites. ? Monetization: You can monetize your videos on YouTube and on other sites. This means that you can earn income from your videos on YouTube and other sites. ? Commercial: You can use music tracks for commercial purposes. ? Unlimited: You can create an unlimited amount of videos / contents. ? No need to buy licenses: You do not need to buy licenses every time you upload new videos on YouTube and other sites. ? Use: You can use all the music tracks on YouTube, Vimeo, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, websites, social media, applications, radio, TV and more. ?To preview more tracks by 2BStudio, please visit our website: Previously titled ‘Upbeat Rock’ ?Upbeat Rock is a powerful track featuring smashing drums and distortion guitars. Perfect for motivational, extreme and sport videos, games, backgrounds, films, youtube, tv advertisements, action movies, trailers, commercials and visuals. ----------------

#Liikunta #liikuntahaaste #haaste #PE #pe_challenge #challenge #mobility_challenge #sports_challenge #educacão_física #liikunta_on_kivaa #kuntoliikunta #pe_challenges #physical_education_activities #Physical_education #Éducation_physique #Educacion_fisica #Sportunterricht #Tǐyù #Pisikal_na_edukasyon #Физическая_культура #體育 #Fizicheskaya_kul'tura #Pendidikan_jasmani #शारीरिक_शिक्षा #shaareerik_shiksha #Educazione_fisica #体育 #Taiiku #Tjelesna_kultura #التربية_البدنية #paper_challenge

In harvest Koronaviruspandemia 2020-2022

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