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Tänään Uutta 2/3 (2012)
― kaikuutamo
Sometimes it sucks to be me. I shot this video two years ago and I forgot to publish it. So here it is now. I was thinking to call it Two Years Ago but I decided to name it "Tänään Uutta 2/3". It means New Today 2/3. The first New Today video was shot in 2006 with Lauri Koskinen. It is on this channel and there is more oldies on the Turha Produktio website. Thank you Turun Taideakatemia and Minna Karesluoto for offering the ground, Olavi Virta for the music and Euro-matic for the balls.
#Kai_Kuutamo #dropping #sucks #hard #difficult #bad_day #pumped #balls #casual #training #bad_habits #too_long #tored #tired #flip #Too #Much #Late
I insamlingen Suomalainen sirkus 2018
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