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Ansioluettelo / Curriculum Vitae


Ansioluettelo / Curriculum Vitae 2002 videoteos / video work kesto / duration: 5:00 käsikirjoitus, kuvaus, leikkaus ja äänisuunnittelu / script, camera, editing, sound design: Marko Lampisuo musiikki / music: Utu Guests at various art exhibition openings are seen as a background for a monologue by a bohemian artist. He is making a list of his questionable achievements in the art world.

#Curriculum #Vitae #Exhibition #opening #Monologue #Bohemian #artist #Achievements #Art #world #Work #Drawing #Painting

In harvest Mediataiteen verkkosivuja 2016 = Mediataide

Original source:

The metadata on this page is from the original source (YouTube).