Materiaali saatavilla vain vapaakappaletyöasemilla
Adventures in multithreaded gameplay coding
― AssemblyTV
Assembly Summer 2011 seminar presentation. This session gives insight into how gameplay was programmed for Super Stardust HD (PS3) and Dead Nation (PS3) and discusses future direction on how to make gameplay programming both easier, faster and how to make it scale into multiple computing cores at the same time. The talk will contain specific lower level (C++) discussion, though some of the principles can be utilized by any language/platform. Title: Adventures in multithreaded gameplay coding Author: Jere Sanisalo Download high quality video:
#asms11 #assembly #asm11 #Assembly_Summer_2011 #2011 #seminar
Keräyksessä Mediataiteen verkkosivuja 2016 = Mediataide
Sivun kuvailutiedot ovat peräisin alkuperäislähteestä (YouTube).