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How to Farm Blue Titanite Slabs - Dark Souls Guide - Blue Titanite Slab Farming


Dark Souls Guide: Blue Titanite Slab Farming - How to farm Blue Titanite Slabs in Dark Souls (Dark Souls/tutorial). Click 'Like' if you like this video. Helps me make more! And tell me what you think in the comments below. In this video, I show you how to farm Blue Titanite Slabs in Dark Souls. I'll show you an efficient way for Blue Titanite Slab farming: A quick run you can repeat as many times as needed to get as many Slabs you have the time and patience for. To farm, you need to have access to the Crystal Cave and be able to deal with the Moonlight Butterflies (and the Man-Eater Shells). You'll get a Blue Titanite Chunks from the same place as well. When grinding, make sure you have 410 Item Discovery (Gold Serpent Ring/Symbol of Avarice and 10 Humanity), because the Slabs are extremely rare drop. Even with Item Discovery 410 it might take you several hours before you see one, but this is the only place to get as many as you want. ======== Other Titanite Farming Videos: TITANITE RED WHITE DEMON TITANITE ======== For 410 Item Discovery: - Equip Covetous Gold Serpent Ring or Symbol Avarice (having both won't help) - Have 10 "soft" humanity (10 humanity on the top left) - it doesn't matter if you're hollow or human. For farming efficiency: - Homeward Miracle or Stack of Homeward Bones (buy from the Undead Lady) - Low equipment load to run faster - Stamina recovery equipment to run longer To farm Blue Titanite Slabs and Chunks: - Start at the Seath the Scaless boss room bonfire - Kill the Man-Eater Shells (you can try to run past them, but they will follow you, so be careful) - Kill the Moonlight Butterflies - Don't fall off the invisible paths - Homeward back to the hidden bonfire - Repeat ======== This Dark Souls Titanite Slab Farming video will show you: Blue Titanite Slab farming, where to farm Blue Titanite Slabs and Blue Titanite Chunks, an efficient way to farm, and the equipment, spells and items you should use ======== Dark Souls is an action role-playing game developed by From Software and published by Namco Bandai Games. The game is available for PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 / PC, 2011/2012. ======== MODS: DSFix Xbox 360 HD Interface Icons Revamped Stat Buff Icons High-Res UI and Subtitle fonts ===== Want to support me? Check out how: ===== Gameplay and commentary by Zemalf "Occasionally thoughtful, slow-paced let's play videos" CHANNEL: BLOG: FAQ: LIVESTREAM: FACEBOOK: TWITTER: FORUM: GOOGLE+: ======== If you enjoyed this video and would like to see more then please subscribe! Visit my channel for more videos: Subscribe to get notified about my new videos:

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