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Before I'm 40

Kimmo Modig

Hello. Please raise your hand if you don't understand Finnish. Well actually this will be in English anyway. I had a dream last night where you attacked me because you didn't get my act nor understand English. But I'm sure that was just a dream. You would never attack me or disrupt me. See, this is just a shoot. This actual moment has very little value. Jaakko here, and Jenna, and myself, we are filming this performance and I will later upload it online. Of course, nobody cares if I upload just anything. You know, I'm not in that position yet. That's mid-career. People book you and have you just because of your reputation. Nobody has time to check out if what you're doing is interesting. They want you for the hype, the legend, or they've picked you up on a Facebook news stream or where ever. And they're in a hurry and they have to make it happen. After 200 years of taste, we're entering the era of reflex. I mean, as an organiser I've done that. I've booked people for their supposed fame, without looking into their activities. And then I've realised, during their show, they're not evolving or topical anymore, but just hanging on, still life. And then my time is over, too, because I'm hanging out with zombies. And then, before I'm 40, I disappear into the structures by becoming a full-time teacher, producing children, focusing on research, or taking up an entirely different career. I could go on, but as an online video, this might already be too long. The world is full of great stuff to check out, and everyone wants a glimpse of everything. So as an artist you should be thankful when people choose to see you over all other possible entertainment, like you have done here today. So thank you. Live at Space for Free Arts in Helsinki, 2013 camera: Jaakko Pallasvuo, Jenna Sutela.

#performance #live_art #video_art #post_internet #documentation #career #real_talk #ted #samsung #gangam_style #kimmo_modig #helsinki #university_of_arts #space_for_free_arts

I insamlingen Mediataiteen verkkosivuja 2016 = Mediataide


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