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Interview with Jessica Mulligan by Mika 'Lumi' Tuomola in 2004
― CrucibleStudio
From the archives of the Media Lab Helsinki 10 Years Seminar in 2004 (video dir. Petri Kola, organised by Arki / Kari-Hans Kommonen: 'Stories we tell / Mirrors we hold' Interview with Jessica Mulligan by Mika 'Lumi' Tuomola Introduction by Philip Dean The Stories we tell / Mirrors we hold interview paints a portrait of Jessica Mulligan, an eighteen year veteran of the online game industry with extensive experience in producing and managing massively multiplayer persistent story-worlds. What kind of life experience makes a person want to become a professional storyteller? What urges her to share her stories with interactive audience as co-authoring participants? Why a drama actor wants to become a multiplayer game world developer? What kind of mirrors is the games industry holding up to the face of mankind in comparison to accustomed drama and linear storytelling? A personal experience, the substance of all storytelling, is in the core of the interview. Or, as Walter Benjamin would argue: only a point of view can transform information into an experience and story. Enjoy the 25 minute ride! Jessica Mulligan, a former actor specialising in Shakespeare, has held a number of positions within the game industry since 1986, including President of The Themis Group from 2001-2002 and Director of Operations at MM3D, Inc., where she was in charge of game services for Middle Earth Online from 2000-2001. Jessica has been involved in the design, development or management of more than 50 online games, including a dozen massively multiplayer games. A respected writer on industry issues, she was the author of the popular Biting the Hand column on for over six years. Her most recent book, Developing Online Games: An Insider's Guide, with co-author Bridgette Patrovsky, was released in the US by New Riders in March 2003 and has since been published in localized versions worldwide, including Korean and Chinese. Currently, as an Executive Producer of Turbine Entertainment Software Corp., Jessica oversees the direction and development of the award-winning massively multiplayer online game franchise, Asheron's Call. Mika Lumi Tuomola, a graduate from the first Media Lab MA take-in 1994, is an awarded dramaturge and director for interactive digital media. His productions include the web drama community Daisy's Amazing Discoveries (Coronet Interactive 1996), philosophical strategy game Socrates (WSOY 1998), movie installation Myths for One (Crucible 2002), online multiplayer persistent world designs for WorldsAway (Fujitsu 2000) and the on-going participatory television series Accidental Lovers (Crucible 2003). He publishes frequently articles and gives teaching in leading new media schools and universities, including Cambridge University Moving Image Studio, Interactive Institute and Zentrum für Kunst und Medientechnologie, based on the learning in productions. Lumi is currently the artistic director of Crucible Studio, the joint research group on interactive storytelling between Media Centre Lume and Media Lab at University of Art and Design Helsinki, where he teaches regularly. He's in the editorial advisory board of Digital Creativity Journal, a founding member of m-cult, the Finnish Association of Media Culture, and a member in the steering group of the Games and Storytelling education programme.
#Massively_Multiplayer_Online_Role-playing_Game #Massively_Multiplayer_Online_Game #Storytelling #Jessica_Mulligan #Mika_Lumi_Tuomola #Philip_Dean #Media_Lab_Helsinki #2004_Summer_Olympics #stories #Virtual_World #acting #storytelling #narrative #character #games #drama #computers #art #entertainment #Crucible_Studio #Turbine_Entertainment #Unversity_of_Arts_and_Design #TaiK #avatar_worlds
In harvest Mediataiteen verkkosivuja 2016 = Mediataide
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