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Alan01 installation in Florence
― CrucibleStudio
Crucible Studios Alan01 installation was exhibited in the Colorito art exhibition which was arranged as a part of the ACM Multimedia conference in Florence. The Alan01 installation engages its viewer in dialogue with a fictional Alan Turing, as if Turing's consciousness had been coded into a machine at the time of his death in1954. The interactor can talk to Alan01 by dialing symbols, which relate to Alan Turing's life and era. The symbol combinations are flashed by light codes to a media retrieval system. Alan01 deciphers the symbols through a collage of animations projected on the busts of Alan (actor Hannu Kivioja), screened videos and audio feedback including speech synthesis. Alan01's minimalistic black-white-and-red colour scheme, which continues through to the user interface and screening of videos and texts, seeks to transport the user back to the time of Alan Turing - and beyond. The sparse use of red emphasizes the themes of the installation: anger, blood, pain, guilt, sin, passion, warning, sacrifice and courage.
#Alan_Turing #interactive #art #installation #digital #media #Crucible_Studio #Aalto_University #Helsinki #Finland #ACM #Florence
In harvest Mediataiteen verkkosivuja 2016 = Mediataide
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