Materiaali saatavilla vain vapaakappaletyöasemilla
Samuel Sylf about education and the youth
― Samuel
Picks from the event, Why politics? In addition to Samuel's speech about education and youth, we talked about the meet of foreign students and the job market. One reason why foreign talents leave Finland after completing their studies is because they do not find suitable employment opportunities in their field. Despite paying taxes for education, the job market may not be able to absorb all the graduates, leading them to seek opportunities elsewhere. Additionally, some may find the Finnish working culture and lifestyle not to their liking. The IT sector is known for having a shortage of skilled professionals in Finland, which makes it easier for non-Finnish speakers to find jobs. However, other industries may require fluency in the Finnish language, which can be a barrier for foreign students to enter the job market. To encourage students to integrate into Finnish society, universities can provide orientation programs, language courses, and cultural events that allow students to meet and interact with local people. Additionally, offering mentorship and networking opportunities can help students build connections and understand the Finnish job market better. Mental health support for foreign students is crucial, as adjusting to a new country and culture can be stressful and challenging. Universities can provide counseling services and support groups that address the unique challenges faced by foreign students. Additionally, creating a welcoming and inclusive environment can help students feel more supported and less isolated.
#living_relations #passing_distance #relationships #ethos
Keräyksessä Eduskuntavaalit 2023
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