Verkkoarkiston aineisto on saatavilla vain vapaakappaletyöasemilla. Katso infosta lisää tietoa verkkoarkiston käytöstä.

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Materiaali saatavilla vain vapaakappaletyöasemilla

Fingrid, teemamusiikki / theme music


Description: The main essence of the Fingrid brand theme and audio logo is derived from a signature sub bass which uses a square wave form. A square wave is an analogue synthesiser signal, which is either on or off. This waveform gives a driving, pulsing and powerful sense of motion to the composition and acts as a direct link between the music and Fingrids main business. The strong use of reverb gives the audio theme an open sense of space, which communicates a feeling of brand transparency. Fingrids music imparts a sense of efficiency by saying a lot with very little.The music is very minimal in nature and utilises only 4 main instruments; the bass synth, a vocal pad, a lead synth and a drum kit. Over all the composition mixes a deep and pulsing drum beat with a signature bass sound. The two interplay to create a mirage of constant movement and dynamism in the track, keeping the ear interested. To compliment these lower notes, a higher frequency, bright and clear lead synth acts as a counterpoint. The lead synth carries the main melody of the composition and is soaked in reverb to give it a sense of body in the mix. By and large, the middle frequencies are left pretty empty, with only a pad for atmosphere and subtle, occasional human voice added for effect. Production by Audiodraft

#äänimaailma #charge #theme_sound #theme #logo #jingle

Keräyksessä Energiakriisi 2022-2023


Sivun kuvailutiedot ovat peräisin alkuperäislähteestä (YouTube).