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The world turns again (Alfred Backa & Josefin Österberg)

Alfred Backa

Text: I'm a-going As winds are blowing What have i become? And every day in You keep a-prayin' When will you come home? And i'm a-saying I'll find a way and I'll see you then So you're waiting I'm hesitating And the world turns again I'll find a stop there And I'll go up there End my vary ways I thought you knew me Could see right through me Can't be in one place The train continues And deep within you I know I'll remain But trains keep leaving You keep believing And the world turns again And oh, how the world turns again Oh, how the world turns again So i keep going As winds are blowing It's just poetry And you keep seeing That I'm a-fleeing But that's home to me Maybe some day then I'll find a way then Around the bend But without the turning I'm not burning Please make the world turn again Please make the world turn again

#theworldturns8 #alfred_backa #josefin_österberg

I insamlingen Svenska Litteratursällskapet i Finlandin murrekeräys 2022 = Svenska Litteratursällskapet i Finland dialektsamling 2022


Sidans beskrivning är från den ursprungliga källan (YouTube).