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LOTTE Xylitol Sugarless Gum--The Finnish love the Nipponese


Some Japanese gum CM I found. I do not know what is the meaning, or who is this person is, or why all these Swedes love this Japanese man. UPDATE: According to replies, these white people are not Swedes, or Norse, or even Germanic. They are Finnish, which is NOT culturally and ethinicly (maybe not as much now--I am sure there has been many cross-breeding) the same from the rest I have stated. The stuff you learn while researching The Kalevala. But please give me some credit for getting the region right. Oh and for those that do not know, Nippon is another name for Japan. ADDED NOTE: Not that anyone can tell, but I wrote the first description with irony. I believed that this area was in the United States with the notion that the Japanese are obsessed with America. If this was America, where were the other races? From what I seen in Japanese pop-culture, I thought this land would be hip to other American races. So I was confused to see basically only white, blond, and blue-eyed people. Therefore, I thought this must be in a land like Sweden or something. MISTAKE: I forgot to put a negator in this clause: which is culturally and ethnically. I corrected it, and I put it nice capital letters like this: NOT. 2nd UPDATE: Xylitol was first derived in Finland. So yeah... the CM is in Finland for a reason. MORE:

#Lotte #Xylitol #Sugarless #Gum #japanese #japan #commercial #cm #swedes #finland #finnish


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