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vlog#3 More supplies! Prisma Espoo Finland empty supermarket shelves | Coronavirus Outbreak!
― Baxri Vlogs
#panicbuying #visitFinland #PrismaOlari More Stock is available as usual, nothing to panic about, although people are still going after toilet paper first :p
#coronavirus_outbreak #outbreak #corona_virus #coronavirus #virus_outbreak #food_supply #coronavirus_outbreak_2020 #corona_prediction_tool #china_virus_outbreak_2020 #global_supply_chain #corona_virus_pandemic #news #breaking_news #carona_virus #coronavirus_news #covid-19 #prepper #health #coronavirus_update #Coronavirus_espoo #olari_espoo #prisma_espoo #food_shortage_Coronavirus #visit_helsinki #empty_supermarket_shelves #panic_buying #panicbuying #stockpiling #korona_virüs_Suomi
In harvest Koronaviruspandemia 2020-2022
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The metadata on this page is from the original source (YouTube).