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Activists demonstrate against the coal power of nuclear companies
― Greenpeace Suomi
Seven Greenpeace activists have occupied the chimney of Meri-Pori and Tahkoluoto coal power plants in Finland, Pori. Two largest nuclear companies in Finland, PVO and Fortum, plan to build a total of eight predominantly fossil-fuel fired power plants that would spew out a total of four million tons of carbon dioxide yearly. Reducing waste of energy and investment in renewable energy sources would enable Finland to rapidly reduce reliance on dirty coal, peat and nuclear energy. Reducing waste of energy and investment in renewable energy sources would enable Finland to rapidly reduce reliance on dirty coal, peat and nuclear energy.
#greenpeace #coal #finland #hiilivoima #meri-pori #PVO #FOrtum #hiilivoimala
I insamlingen Ilmastonmuutos 2019-2020
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