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Four new Greenpeace activists board the 'Happy Ranger' 17 Nov 2009

Greenpeace Suomi

Six Greenpeace activists boarded the cargo ship Happy Ranger in the Fehmarn Belt between Denmark and Germany on 16th November 2009. Four new activists climbed on board on the 17th. The action was taken to highlight the fact that nuclear energy not only exposes the public to radiation hazards, but undermines effective climate protection. Greenpeace is calling on the Finnish government to stop the work at Olkiluoto 3. The ship is carrying steam turbines supplied by the French nuclear company AREVA to the Olkiluoto 3 nuclear reactor currently under construction in Finland. Blog posts on board the Happy Ranger: Background information:

#Mobile #Footage #Comp #copy #greenpeace #nuclear #areva #olkiluoto #EPR #finland

I insamlingen Ilmastonmuutos 2019-2020


Sidans beskrivning är från den ursprungliga källan (YouTube).