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WildForestReindeerLIFE (MetsäpeuraLIFE-hankkeen englanninkielinen esittely)

Korkeasaari Zoo

Katso suomenkielinen versio videosta täältä: European forest reindeer (Rangifer tarandus fennicus) roamed almost everywhere in Finland until it was hunted to extinction in the 1900s. Luckily a population was left in the Russian Karelia, and the species walked across the border to Kainuu in 1950s. In the 1970s the forest reindeers were reintroduced back to the species original habitats in Suomenselkä, and the reintroductions continue with WildForestReindeerLIFE project (2016-2022) funded by EU. Production: Annika Sorjonen / Korkeasaari Zoo (2019) Videographers: Sami Saarela, Henriks Sundén, Pasi Hornamo Script: Elmo Miettinen Voiceover: Aliisa Peters

#wild_forest_reindeer #Högholmen #djurgård #zoo_animals #EuLife #EU #Finland #korkeasaari_zoo #Högholmens_djurgård #korkeasaaren_eläintarha #Helsingissä #animals #metsäpeuraLIFE #helsinki_zoo #korkeasaari #Korkeasaaressa #högholmen #metsäpeura #korkeasaarizoo #Korkeasaari_Zoo #Helsinki_Zoo #european_forest_reindeer #Suomi #EuropeanForestReindeerLIFE #högholmens_djurgård #Helsinki #WildForestReindeerLIFE #zoo #Korkeasaari #reindeer


Sidans beskrivning är från den ursprungliga källan (YouTube).