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Raiding Company - Gameplay Trailer (iPad)
― RaidingCompany
Greed has never been so fun. For iPhone and iPad: Join a group of trigger happy archaeologists in Egypt who shoot first and study later. ● Blast your way through waves of RAGING MUMMIES. ● Rob tombs using one of the 4 CHARACTERS and 3 SPECIAL WEAPONS. ● Fight your way up on Top Looters tables in 5 RAIDS + SURVIVAL MODE. ● Go on raids solo, or with (and against!) friends in 4-PLAYER LOCAL MULTIPLAYER (iPad)!
#raid #raiding #dual_stick #shooter #arcade_shooter #ipad #multiplayer #local_multiplayer
Keräyksessä Pelit 2020
Sivun kuvailutiedot ovat peräisin alkuperäislähteestä (YouTube).