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Pokemon Black & White Wifi Battle #33 vs. MDWael - Trick Storm Shenanigans


Happy Valentine's Day and thanks for 6000 subs! To celebrate that, here's an intense battle versus MDWael and it really came down to the wire. I was testing a Trick Room and Sandstorm based team aka TrickStorm team. It turned out be fast paced and close match so enjoy. Q: does my mic sound any different? I'm also using new rendering settings so the quality might be a bit different. Leave some thoughts in the comment section. My opponent's channel:

#Pokemon #Black #and #White #HD #TheFlamingSpade #Spade #Narrated #wifi #battle #random #pokes #PokeMoshPit #vs #recorder #yt:stretch=16:9

I insamlingen Pelit 2020


Sidans beskrivning är från den ursprungliga källan (YouTube).