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Happy Holidays from 98demake


As the year is coming to an end, and the holidays are here, we'll take a stroll down the memory lane in this festive little video. It's been an amazing year and I want to thank each and every one of you out there, watching my videos. I'll be closing the year with this video and I'll see you with more awesome videos in 2018! If you would like to contact me for some reason, you can do that at: 98demake (at)

#gaming #games #psx #retro #demake #98 #1998 #98demake #98_demake #ps1 #psone #playstation #remake #if #was #made #in #original #polygon #pixel #lowpoly #was_made #game_graphics #graphics #evolution #gfx #evolved #graphical #90s #90s_gaming

I insamlingen Pelit 2020


Sidans beskrivning är från den ursprungliga källan (YouTube).