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Materiaali saatavilla vain vapaakappaletyöasemilla

Unboxing the Negotiating Box


Finland’s Presidency has submitted its proposal for the next long-term EU budget, the multiannual financial framework (MFF) for 2021–2027, to the member states. In budget jargon, this proposal is called ”the negotiating box”. We’ve unboxed it for you. The proposal is a budget of €1 087 billion for the seven-year period, equal to 1.07% of the gross national income of the EU member states. The proposed budget focuses on the EU’s new priorities, such as climate action, research and innovation, and migration management. It also secures funding for a reformed agricultural policy and for a cohesion policy that supports growth.

Keräyksessä Suomen EU-puheenjohtajuus 2019


Sivun kuvailutiedot ovat peräisin alkuperäislähteestä (YouTube).