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The Outsider - Janne Raudaskoski


гастроли в России с 19 ноября по 9 декабря 2017 Russian tour 19.11.-9.12.2017 A man not of this world suddenly wanders onto Earth. Outsider, a naive Buster Keaton like character, bumps into the modern humanity. The Outsider is a delightful fantasy for grown-ups, which has received standing ovations across Europe. The performance evokes the visual style of the silent films while simultaneously taking them into a contemporary format – in full colour and with stunning special effects!

#janne #raudaskoski #the #outsider #amazing #magic #theatre #tt13 #taikateatteri #13 #magician #clown #comedy #taikuri #flying #circus #Espoon #kaupunginteatteri #Espoo #city #international #of #finland #Theater #mime #clowning #performance

I insamlingen Suomalainen sirkus 2018


Sidans beskrivning är från den ursprungliga källan (YouTube).