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― MataHoops
Video work from my residency. In this video I focus on space and repeats. Lot of things left out,maybe next time. Video was film in Lielahdenkartano, Hiedanranta Tampere. It was build in 19th century, very special place for me. Music by Oval I use 16mm polypro and 16mm Play Juggling Hoops.
#matahoops #hoopjuggling #hennamatanuska #vannetanssi #hulavanteet #huuppaus #hooppaus #hoopart #hoopartist #hulavanne #contemporary #dance #art #tampere #hiedanranta #hulavanne_artisti #vannetaiteilija #creative #hooping #hoopdance #playjuggling
In harvest Suomalainen sirkus 2018
Original source:
The metadata on this page is from the original source (YouTube).