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Aaron Hakala | Freerunning 2011 - Freedom
― Aaron Hakala
I filmed this video with a tripod when i visited Gräsmarö (a small island in Sweden) and I had to film it with a injured foot. I couldn't do much acrobatics on the grass, so most of the flips were done on the garden trampoline that they had there.
#free #jump #tricks #showreel_2011 #aaron_hakala #Circus #fest #Aaron #freedom_is_my_life #muse #hos #amazing #daniel #free_running #tumbling #running #trampoline #movement #beautiful #adventure #training #sampler_2011 #exercise #gymnastics #redbull #urban #travel #nature_free_running #flip_tricking #parkour #nature_parkour #ball #belle #Aaron_Hakala_2013 #backflip #ilabaca #wfpf #mange #david #hardcore #extreme
I insamlingen Suomalainen sirkus 2018
Sidans beskrivning är från den ursprungliga källan (YouTube).