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Aaron Hakala | 2015 Showreel

Aaron Hakala

This is a compilation of my progression and my favorite clips from 2015, enjoy! P.S. Sorry about the framerate changes, filmed alot of clips with my phone this year :/ First song: La Fine Equipe - Talkin Pastry - La Boulangerie 3 Second song: Glitz At The Ritz 2 - Gavin Luke (from Subscribe to my channel to see more: My name is Aaron Hakala and all you need to know about me is that I love acrobatics. I do it when you work, I do it when you eat, I do it when you sleep, I'm simply addicted to it.. I'm actually doing it right now while you're reading this boring text, which I wrote while doing acrobatics. Contact: Make sure you also check out the Flow network. YouTube's biggest Parkour hub:

#aaron_hakala #2015_showreel #aaron_hakala_2015 #freerunning #parkour #circus #acrobatics #gymnastics #tricking #trampoline #teeterboard #cyrwheel #flips #summersaults #diving #extreme_sports #russian_swing

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