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Ristiinnaulitse! (Live looping Easter Song with Voicelive 3 by Janne Koskela)

Janne Koskela music / Timbre Tones Microphones

Pääsiäisen alla palaan aina tähän vanhaan lauluuni, tekstilapun mukaan vuodelta 1998. Täältä kaukaa on helppo kauhistella Jerusalemilaisten lynkkaushuutoja ja Pietarin raukkamaista kieltämistä. Mutta samaa joukkoa olen minäkin. Ja juuri meitä samanlaisia varten Herra Jeesus antoi itsensä sovitusuhriksi. Riemullista pääsiäistä! I wrote this song 1998 during the Great Week before Easter. It's about the mob shouting "crucify!" in Pilate's palace yard and Peter denying Jesus in High Priest's yard. I'm among them, but happily my Lord came to save me and propitiate for all my sins. Yours too. Song is played with my latest build, a Kenoosis Guitar with Lutz Spruce top and Ovankol b/s. Guitar is miked with Elevation system transducer and run through an Archangel X5 preamp to VL3 BodyRez3 patch. All sound tailoring is done in in VL3. Synth sounds come from Presonus Studio One DAW and are run into AUX in of VL3. Happy Easter everybody!

#Live_Looping #Janne_Koskela #Kenoosis_guitars #TC_Helicon #Voicelive_3

In harvest Musiikkikeräys 2018

Original source:

The metadata on this page is from the original source (YouTube).