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Knucklebone Oscar: Je Veux Boire De La Creme (I Wants to Drink Cream)
― Stupido Records & Booking
Knucklebone Oscar: Je Veux Boire De La Creme (I Wants to Drink Cream) From the Upcoming album "King of Helsinki". Release date 18th of march, 2016 STARRING Knucklebone Oscar and the band as themselves Personal Assistant: Turrrbo Cherry Reseptionist: Tinker Bell PRODUCTION Knucklebone Oscar XLNTGROOVES Stupido Records DIRECTOR Vesa Kess CINEMATOGRAPHY Jussi Rastas LIGHTS Vladimir krestjanoff EDITING Juha Hanhinen Vesa Kess SCRIPT Vesa Kess Knucklebone Oscar STUPIDO165 ISRC: FITTS1500188 Stupido Records
#Knucklebone_Oscar #King_of_Helsinki #Stupido_Records #Je_Veux_Boire_De_La_Creme
In harvest Musiikkikeräys 2018
Original source:
The metadata on this page is from the original source (YouTube).