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Värttinä - Kaihon kantaja

Värttinä Fan Club

Song from new album Utu (2012). "Kaihon Kantaja" Huolten hunnut heitä helmoitani hiljaisten haaveiden hautaan Kaipuun kahleet kantaluitani kaivoon kaunojen kanna Kätke kärsimysten kyyneleet pilkat pettäjän peitä Käy kaunis kaihon kantaja Surut suljethan sylis suojahan Kanna kaunehintain kaipaustain Kanna, kalleintani, kanna kaihoain Tuui tuhkaan tummat tuntoni polta pelkoin pellot Vie vesille valhe viimeinen sulje suruni sillat Käy kaunis kaihon kantaja Surut suljethan sylis suojahan Kanna kaunehintain kaipaustain Kanna, kalleintani, kanna kaihoain translation: "The bearer of the longing" Cast off these veils these worries from my hems Cast them into the grave of silent dreams Take away the chains of longing from my ankle Throw them into the well of my grudging thoughts Cast off these veils these worries from my hems Cast them into the grave of silent dreams Hide the tears of pain Let the scorn of the betrayer not be seen Come to me beutiful bearer of the longing Will you take my sorrows into your arms Bear this most beautiful thing my longing Bear this most precious thing bear my longing Lull my dark feelings, let them crumble to ashes Burn the meadows of my fears Lunch the last lie sail it far sway Close up the Bridges of my sorrow Come to me beutiful bearer of the longing Will you take my sorrows into your arms Bear this most beautiful thing my longing Bear this most precious thing bear my longing

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I insamlingen Musiikkikeräys 2018


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