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HESS (full tape) Against Audio 2014


1 Old House By The River 2 Attic Room Heat 3 No-one Stayed For Holidays 4 Sophia 5 Into The Sewer 6 Rum Diary 7 Shitpeople Nightmare/Blue Girl Shaking 8 Brainless Dwarves Working Under The Ground 9 Burning Suitcases 10 Castles Of Rape 11 Birthday In Space (Clown Floats Away Theme) AGAINST AUDIO 010. 60 copies made. "HESS is an old and obscure instrumental side project of Chestburster members. Recorded already back in 2008-2009 and released now for the first time. Slasher and giallo soundtrack worship, early Chestburster type of instrumental rock'n'roll, nudity, melting brains... Mysterious and retarded material for freaks, junkies and perverts. RIP David Hess 1936-2011."

#hess #david_hess #against_audio #iitti #kouvola #lappeenranta #chestburster #the_true_chestburster #warehouse #brownhill_mafia #bhm #277

I insamlingen Musiikkikeräys 2018


Sidans beskrivning är från den ursprungliga källan (YouTube).