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Magnesia Festival 2016 | The Heartful Island Festival
― Balansia Films
2 day celebration of joyful and heartful living in August 5th & 6th 2016 – the magical Lonna island hosted the most attractive event of the summer – Magnesia Festival. Magnesia Festival brought together Finland’s most charismatic wellbeing facilitators. Program held more than 40 wellbeing workshops in one outdoor stage and three attractive interior spaces. Tune in for 2017 @magnesiafestival #magnesiafestival
#magnesiafestival #heartfulliving #mari_rasimus #kaisa_kärkkäinen #kirsi_salo #matilda_mannström #kylli_kukk #lonna #lonna_island #yoga #jooga
In harvest Musiikkikeräys 2018
Original source:
The metadata on this page is from the original source (YouTube).