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The Guys Reunion Gig, Old Goodie 1

Henry Lindell

The Guys is a group that used to perform dancing hall music 1970-1971 in western parts of Finland. The group broke up in 1971 when the members headed for studies and working careers to different parts of the country. After a 45 years break the group performed again on a reunion gig 9th Jan 2016 at Campus Allegro, Pietarsaari, Finland. Here is one old goodie from this gig. The members are Guy Borgmästars (Vocals and Keyboard), Håkan Storbacka (Vocals and Guitar), Henry Lindell (Vocals and Bass) and Greger Teir (Drums)


I insamlingen Musiikkikeräys 2018


Sidans beskrivning är från den ursprungliga källan (YouTube).