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Sonic Visions: Into Yesterday
― Solitimusic
Introducing: Sonic Visions. We are thrilled to announce and welcome Sonic Visions to the the ever expanding Soliti family . In their own words, the young 5 piece band describe themselves as "...a shoegaze/post-punk/noise band formed in 2015. Hypnotic, reversed and psychedelic riffs, rounded off with a wall of ferocious guitar noise. Our songs are simple yet possess surprising twists and turns. The Sonic Visions live experience is intense and attitude filled. These are our main ingredients." With announcements comes new material, Sonic Visions unveil their video for new single Into Yesterday, their first release for the label. A ringing riff duels with a punctuated drum fill as the urgency of Into Yesterday comes to life. A house party in full swing as the vocals implore "don't turn your back for tonight" Sonic Visions 2016 Written by: Sandy Sonic Recorded, mixed and produced by: Sandy Sonic Mastered by: Jaakko Viitalähde (Virtalähde Mastering)
#sonic_visions #into_yesterday #soliti #shoegaze #attitude #post_punk
I insamlingen Musiikkikeräys 2018
Sidans beskrivning är från den ursprungliga källan (YouTube).