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Sister Flo - White Noise (LYRIC VIDEO)


Sister Flo - White Noise Soliti is proud to announce the reissue of one of our favourite album's, Sister Flo's Tragician's Hat. Tragician's Hat has been cited as one of the landmark's of Finnish indiepop, this timely release gives you the chance to fall in love again. Sister Flo's masterpiece is turning 10 years old this September and to celebrate the occasion, on the 12th September 2014, Soliti will be issuing a remastered version of the album. White Noise by sister flo janne lastumäki, antti kaistinen, samae koskinen, mikko salonen, jarno alho

#sister #flo #tragicians #hat #soliti #samae #koskinen

I insamlingen Musiikkikeräys 2018


Sidans beskrivning är från den ursprungliga källan (YouTube).