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RAATIKAINEN - Full version - (with English subtitles)
A Portrait/ short Documentary film about mr. Jyrki Raatikainen, the drummer of Finnish band Radiopuhelimet: J.A. Mäki - Vocals Antti Annunen - Bass Katz - Guitar Jarno Mällinen -Guitar Jyrki Raatikainen -Drums Lenght: 17:00 minutes. Information: This film is a part of Bachelor´s Thesis of Mikko Juntunen from Oulu University of Applied Science. Production year: 2007. Producer & Director: Mikko Juntunen. Shot and edited by Mikko Juntunen and Maija Rönkkö. English translation and subtitles by Maija Rönkkö. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
#Radiopuhelimet #Raatikainen #OAMK #Maija_Rönkkö #Mikko_Juntunen #2007
In harvest Musiikkikeräys 2018
Original source:
The metadata on this page is from the original source (YouTube).