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Jari Suominen: On/Off Christmas

Jari Suominen

On/Off Christmas All True Synths Sing! Holiday greetings from the Helsinki University Music Research Laboratory. In 1963 Finnish electronic music pioneer and inventor Erkki Kurenniemi Started to work on a system that would be an integrated studio equipment for Helsinki University Music Research Laboratory. The system consisted three units: a generator unit, a filter unit and a mixer. This studio equipment was a pioneering design of the digital logic circuits in sound synthesis. It is most likely first synthesizer in Finland and one of the first synthesizers in the world having an electronic sequencer (possibly even before Moog and Buchla). As only Kurenniemi was able to operate the system, when Kurenniemi stopped working at the Research Laboratory in the early 1970's, the integrated studio system was taken off use. Today only generator and mixer units exist. In 2017 the renovation of the generator unit of the integrated synthesizer system was started. Finally on 11. December 2017 the synth was recovered to the state allowing to switch it on after almost 50 years. Next day I had tape rolling in the studio whole day while I was conducting different service procedures and adjustments. This piece is edited down from that recording. Only manipulation has been cutting out bits from the raw track. No copying, mixing or signal processing has been done. What you hear is the raw sound of the modules renovated so far. The modules/subsystems that can be hear on the recording are: Quad Wien Bridge Oscillator Philips 1-Series Pulse Shaper 5 channel mixer Output stereo amplifier At this point (December 24. 2017) the exact number of modules to be found on the system is not known. Estimate at this point would be that at this point of renovation process roughly one third of the system is functional. We are hoping to get remaining modules and sub systems up and running during upcoming months. So far would like to thank Helsinki University Music Research Laboratory, Kai Lassfolk, Mikko Ojanen. Biggest THANKS goes naturally to the late Erkki Kurenniemi himself who is waiting AI develop a bit further. Renovation of Integrated Synthesizer was made possible by Alfred Kordelin Foundation.

#Synthesizer #Kurenniemi #Helsinki_University_Music_Research_Laboratory

Keräyksessä Musiikkikeräys 2018


Sivun kuvailutiedot ovat peräisin alkuperäislähteestä (YouTube).