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23:23 - Faraway Island (Music video)
― Solitimusic
Directed & filmed by ONNI NIEMINEN Edited by INA MIKKOLA Colored by EETU MAARANEN Diving videos by EEVA NIEMINEN Special thanks to Classic Audio 23:23 – Faraway Island from the EP ”To Die On a Faraway Island With You” (Soliti, 2015) Song & lyrics by Rami Vierula I wanna be yours forever Feel your rib cage against mine Oh lay beside me and wait for the death to arrive When I’m with you my words aren’t broken My throat is cleared off anxious sighs I’m ready to leave the past behind To die on a faraway island with you I want you to really need me I know I’ll be strong enough Oh to carry the burden for the both of us When you’re with me my eyes aren’t teary I’m ready to exhale life I’m ready to give up Let the night be my guide To die on a faraway island with you
#23:23 #soliti #onni_nieminen #ina_mikkola #eetu_maaranen #rami_vierula #faraway_island #to_die_on_a_faraway_island #helsinki
I insamlingen Musiikkikeräys 2018
Sidans beskrivning är från den ursprungliga källan (YouTube).