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Rainbow Circles Over Sochi (Петя - Голубой)
― sofmusicgroup English translation: Why isn't the sky black and white? Why is it blue*, not grey? Why do we have so many different colours if they are prohibited by some law? Love doesn't care who you are, whether you are yellow, red or blue. So what if the whole world is a rainbow? Why not, why not, why not. :: refrain :: Some are blue-blue-blue, some black-white-pink-grey - anyone can be blue, maybe you and me as well. :: :: Divers, professors and artists, dentists, cleaners and gardeners - whom wouldn't you find among the blue? Of course, the cream of society is there as well. May everyone be proud of themselves without fear, like me and you; seen from space, we are all but insects, homo sapienses, sometimes pink** - so what? * "Goluboy" (blue) is a derogatory term for gay men in Russian ** Similarly, "rozovaya" (pink) is a derogatory term for lesbians Music & Video by Jukka Takalo, Russian lyrics by Petya
#Sochi #Olympic_Games #goluboy #Petya #Петя #Голубой
In harvest Musiikkikeräys 2018
Original source:
The metadata on this page is from the original source (YouTube).