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Lauri Luhta: Kevätteologia (The Theology of Spring, 2015/2016)
― Lauri Luhta
Performed at Angakoq II, SIC, Helsinki, on Saturday 28 March 2015. Concept and script by Lauri Luhta. Photography by Jenni Luhta. Edited by Jenni and Lauri Luhta in September – November 2016.
#Angakoq_II #exorcism #Dante #Dasein #Feldweg #Geworfenheit #Himmelweg #live_art #midlife_crisis #performance_art #SIC #sanctification #theology
In harvest Mediataiteen verkkosivuja 2016 = Mediataide
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The metadata on this page is from the original source (YouTube).