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#FiiF2014 - Introducing Will Luera

Finland International Improv Festival

Free-Form Improvisation This workshop explores the makings of the unique style of Big Bang free-form improvisation. This mindset is built on the concept of "follow the funny" and proposes that every single moment, beat, line and movement in a show can be deconstructed and used to lead you to the next scene. During this exploration and deconstruction, a language and pattern are established that help define form where previously there was no form. We'll review the tools that will enable performers to create a unique free-form performing experience every time you hit the stage. We will review ideas of listening to what the show wants, what can be funny, when are the best times to edit and how to use transformational edits to drive the show in different directions. Sign up at

I insamlingen Festivaalit 2016


Sidans beskrivning är från den ursprungliga källan (YouTube).