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Juha Valkeapää - Sound Portraits


Juha Valkeapää - Sound Portraits - Pori Art Museum, Finland 14.05.2011 Film by Sándor Vály ABOUT PORTRAITS I have performed vocal portraits in various contexts since 1997. Basic situation has remained almost the same; a person sits on the chair and says his/her name, I cover his/her eyes and voice the portrait, using the phonemes of his/her name. The concept portrait is a bit mis-leading. I don't describe the person on my chair, with my voice, but play with the phonemes of his/her name instead. But I haven't invented better title.

#Juha #Valkeapää #Sound #Portraits #Dadaism #Vály #Pori #Art #Museum

I insamlingen Äänitaide 2016


Sidans beskrivning är från den ursprungliga källan (YouTube).