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Heavy gunfire and bombs explosions in north-Paris during police psyop raid

Teemu Vehkala

During French police raid in north-Paris the local authorities said that there was one girl who blew himself. Well we can hear a lot of bomb explosions via these eyewitness shot videos. People don't understand that this police raid was a part of this secret psyop operation, which is based to trauma based mind control, to enslave the people of France, people of Europe to give up their freedom and accept the police state by this goverment sponsored terrorism.

#psyop #Illuminati #Evil_elite #David_Rockefeller #Jacob_de_Rothschild #CIA #mossad #French_secret_intelligence_service #French_authorities #police_siege #police_raid #Paris_attacks #false-flag_attack #psychological_operation

I insamlingen Valemedia 2017


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