Materiaali saatavilla vain vapaakappaletyöasemilla
Puhti: Kolinaa - Clatter (live 2013)
― Kihtinäjärvi Records
Clatter (live 2013) Video directed by: Tommi Kainulainen Cinematography: Aarne Tapola Composition: Reetta-Kaisa Iles, Anne-Mari Kivimäki Lyrics: Pauli Hanhiniemi Arrangement: Anne-Mari Kivimäki Recording and mixing: Samuli Volanto / Matkastudio Puhti from Finland is a vivid co-operation between a musician Anne-Mari Kivimäki and a dancer Reetta-Kaisa Iles. The unique sound of Puhti is created by the use of accordions, vocals, rhythmic stomping and a pyngyr. From the very beginning one of the key objectives of the duo has been to create intense, energetic and high-quality folkmusic with dance, and to develop a new kind of stage art with those elements. The duo's repertoire consists of a variety of shows suitable for both small club environments as well as large scale festival arenas. Kihtinäjärvi Records Music Video 2013 FI-K4J-13-00002
Keräyksessä Musiikkikeräys 2018
Sivun kuvailutiedot ovat peräisin alkuperäislähteestä (YouTube).